Vithya Tith Apps

Motion D-Tect 1.0
Vithya Tith
Motion D-Tect turn your smart phone into a high-tech surveillancedevice. It uses the built in camera to take pictures when motionare within view. It uses advance signal processing detectionalgorithm for fast capture and has low false alarm rate. The appcan also sent captured pictures by email or upload it to Facebook(private mode) with details descriptions of GPS and address ofcaptured site. Unlike the apps, the data you record is yours andprivate. Features: ☆ Upload or send pictures with Gmail or Facebook☆ Provide GPS location and address in descriptions ☆ Can setfrequency tone upon detection ☆ Can run in stealth mode on somesmartphone like: Galaxy Noe 1 & 2 ☆ Detection sensitivity iseasily configurable. *** Hardware permission required by this App:*** 1. Your location- This is need to get your GPS location. 2.Network communication - This is need for internet to send email andfile uploading to Facebook 3. Your accounts - Only use to getGoogle Gmail account to sent email only and nothing else. 4.Storage - Save captured pictures on SD card or internal SD. 5.Hardware control - Only use the camera for motion capture. *** Noteto customers*** Please informed us ([email protected]) if youhave any issues running the App on your phone or you are notcompletely satisfied. We can issue you a refund. Thanks My otherapps: If you like this app please check out my other: Activepinger,Acousticsfilter, Waterfall Spectrem, Fastgram and ISpectral. Tags:Motion Detector, Signal Processing
SonicMessenger 6.7
Vithya Tith
SonicMessengerTM uses a patented ultrasoundcommunication technology that emits encoded text messages intoinaudible acoustical tones and decodes the incoming sonic tone backinto a custom text messages, coupons, links to websites or videosand much more.
LaPeau 1.1
Vithya Tith
La Peau is a premier beauty spa inSOHO,specializes in Permanent makeup, Korean semi-permanent makeup,OPTand Hair Removal, Ultherapy, Cryolipolysis/ Cool Sculpting,beenExclusive Beauty n Makeup Center for 15 years for MissChineseBeauty Pageant.
Konfytaxi 2.1
Vithya Tith
Konfitaxi a taxi service. All taxis can be GPS monitored bytoppolice forces, taxi drivers are a click away to report anincidentat any time. For passengers knowing that, and knowing thatthe taxiservice is secure and legitimate, this raises the levelofconfidence in the regulated taxi industry like never before.
ActivePinger2 1.28
Vithya Tith
☆ Check out my other free app “Sonic Messenger”. A messagingappthat uses ultrasonic sound to communicate. ☆ New feature addedforwireless microphone ** In order to utilize your device asawireless microphone you must install our free app: WirelessMicActivePinger is an App that generates acoustic waveformcommonlyused by sonar (submarine, bat) and displays the resultsinreal-time. Depending on your surrounding environment, you canseethe reverberation after pinging. Unlike most Apps, ActivePingerisactually two Apps combined into one: Signal GeneratorandSpectrogram display. There are six waveform to choosefrom:Continuous Wave(CW), Coxcomb, Geometric Comb, CostasWaveforms,Pseudorandom waveform(PRNG) and HyperbolicFrequencyModulation(HFM) waveform. This tool is great for studentsandprofessional engineers studying in the field of sound andvibrationsince you can see the results of the pinging waveform inreal-time.If you are an engineer professional, engineeringstudents,oceanographer, bird watching enthusiast, musician,pianist, guitarand speaker tuning, or interested in signalprocessing. The app actas an RTA and spectral FFT analyzer and tonegenerator. Features: ☆Two zooming methods: Pinch to Zoom andOne-hand Zoom. ☆ Can load orexport .WAV file. ☆ Has bin resolutionof 1 hz or max FFT size of44100Hz ☆ Can be Linear or Logarithmicscale ☆ Matlab likecolor-maps, 17 total. ☆ Does variable dataoverlap of 90%, 80%, 75%and 50% ☆ Digital Filter: Low-pass,High-pass and Band-pass Filter☆ Eight classic Windowing method suchas: Hanning, Hann, Gaussian,Blackman...etc ☆ Select-able microphoneinput for external mic. ☆Has Max Hold the high waveform forcomparing to current wave. ☆ Iscalibrated to work with deviceorientation. Default is landscapemode. ☆ Has a max frequencyindicator that give the high signalamplitude shown on screen ☆Graph has the capabilities to autoscale. ☆ Zoom in or out forviewing data at high resolutions. ☆Three displays: Time-Domain andFrequency-Domain and Spectrogram. ☆Can generate well known sonarping. ☆ Signal conditioning such asaveraging or setting datathreshold trigger. ☆ Can trigger based onSPL for time or frequencymode. ☆ The ability to take screencapture and send email ☆ Able toadjust color intensity display tofilter certain amplitude ☆ Andmany more features! Keep up withIdroidbot: Idroidbot’s Web site:https://www.idroidbot.comIdroidbot Support: email us [email protected] for a refund ornew features you would like tosee. Google+: other apps: Ultimate Audio, IGram, ISpectral
Noise Cancellation 1.3
Vithya Tith
☆ Check out my other free app “Sonic Messenger”. A messagingappthat uses ultrasonic sound to communicate. This app doesaudioamplification of low audible signal and noise cancellationinreal-time. The app allows the operator to design customidealfilters such as Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass and Bandstopfilter bydrawing on the touch screen. You must plugged a headset(orheadphone) into the device headset jack. This is a requirementinorder for the app to work. The app also amplify yoursurroundingenvironment and act as a hearing aid as well. ThreeNoise FilterModes: 1) Auto: - Removed the frequency with thehighest decibellevel. - Preset the voice range from 300 hz to3.5kHz * Will addmore preset range in future release. 2) Standard -Remove frequencyrange using bandpass filter. 3) Advance -Can removecertainfrequencies using the drawing method on the graph. * Note:whenthis mode is selected, draw the frequency using the touchscreenmethod. Features: ☆ Three noise filter methods to choose from☆ Actas a hearing aid by increasing the volume gain level. ☆ Has aFFTspectral analyzer graph for displaying frequency. ☆Select-ablemicrophone input. ☆ Automatic gain control PermissionRequired:This app only use the required permissions base onthefunctionality. We do not collect user data. -MicrophonePleaseemail: [email protected] for any questions. Thanks
UltimateAudio FFT Spectrum Pro 2.3
Vithya Tith
☆ New feature to play audio sound wireless from one devicetoanother via network. ☆ Now works with Omate TruesmartSmartwatch!!☆ Localization and now support languages in: German,Greek,Finnish, French, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Khmer, Korean,Dutch,Portuguese, Russian and Swedish UltimateAudio Pro is an appthatspecialized in analyzing the science of sounds. The mostadvancedsound analyzer available. The app act as a RTA andspectrumanalyzer and tone generator. This app combine all my othersoundapps into one. What you will get are Spectrum,ActivePinger,ISpectral, Signal Generator, Audio TCP and IGram. Ifyou are anengineer professional, engineering students,oceanographer, birdwatching enthusiast, musician, pianist, guitarand speaker tuning,or interested in signal processing. Spectrum: Asimple spectrum bargraph displaying the frequencies and soundpressure level (SPL)with intensity color-map. This is a simpledisplay and works wellon smartwatch like Omate Truesmart.ActivePinger: ActivePinger isan App that generates acousticwaveform commonly used by sonar(submarine, bat) and displays theresults in real-time. Dependingon your surrounding environment, youcan see the reverberationafter pinging. Unlike most Apps,ActivePinger is actually two Appscombined into one: SignalGenerator and Spectrogram display. Thereare six waveform to choosefrom: Continuous Wave(CW), Coxcomb,Geometric Comb, CostasWaveforms, Pseudorandom waveform(PRNG) andHyperbolic FrequencyModulation(HFM) waveform. This tool is greatfor students andprofessional engineers studying in the field ofsound and vibrationsince you can see the results of the pingingwaveform in real-time.ISpectral: ISpectral is a fast and accuratereal-time FFT analyzerthat displays spectral waveform frommicrophone audio. The appstores a 10 second window history forfurther in-depth analysis.IGram: IGram is spectrogram version ofISpectral. With this app youcan see a spectrogram longer history.Signal Generator: Generatorsignal tone. We will add more featuresin releases. Wireless Mic:Wireless Mic stream data to a client.Features: ☆ Play audio soundwireless from one device to anothervia network. ☆ Display pianomusic note ☆ Contained five apps allin one app: Spectrum,ActivePinger, ISpectral, Signal Generator andIGram ☆ Two zoomingmethods: Pinch to Zoom and One-hand Zoom. ☆ Canload or export .WAVfile to .csv file. ☆ Has bin resolution of 1 hzor max FFT size of44100Hz ☆ Can be Linear or Logarithmic scale ☆Matlab likecolor-maps, 17 total. ☆ Does variable data overlap of90%, 80%, 75%and 50% ☆ Digital Filter: Low-pass, High-pass andBand-pass Filter ☆Eight classic Windowing method such as: Hanning,Hann, Gaussian,Blackman...etc ☆ Select-able microphone input forexternal mic. ☆Has Max Hold the high waveform for comparing tocurrent wave. ☆ Iscalibrated to work with device orientation.Default is landscapemode. ☆ Has a max frequency indicator thatgive the high signalamplitude shown on screen ☆ Graph has thecapabilities to autoscale. ☆ Zoom in or out for viewing data athigh resolutions. ☆Three displays: Time-Domain andFrequency-Domain and Spectrogram. ☆Can generate well known sonarping. ☆ Signal conditioning such asaveraging or setting datathreshold trigger. ☆ Can trigger based onSPL for time or frequencymode. ☆ The ability to take screen captureand send email ☆ Able toadjust color intensity display to filtercertain amplitude ☆ Andmany more features! Keep up with Idroidbot:Idroidbot’s Web site: Idroidbot Support:email us [email protected] for a refund or new features youwould like tosee. Google+: other apps: ActivePinger, IGram, ISpectral, NoiseCancellation
Wireless Mic 1.29
Vithya Tith
☆ Check out my other free app “Sonic Messenger”. A messagingappthat uses ultrasonic sound to communicate. This is a companionappfor ActivePinger, ISpectral and IGram that will utilize yourdeviceas a wireless microphone. There are two modes: Server MicandClient Mic. The Server Mic mode waits for client connection.TheClient Mic connects to the Server Mic and plays the audio. **NoteUltimateAudio already has this app so no need to install it.
ISpectral2 FFT Analyzer 1.28
Vithya Tith
☆ New feature added for wireless microphone ** In order toutilizeyour device as a wireless microphone you must install ourfree app:Wireless Mic ISpectral is a fast and accurate real-timeFFT ( orRTA) analyzer that displays spectrum waveform frommicrophoneaudio. The app stores a 10 second window history for indepthanalysis. If you are an engineer professional,engineeringstudents, oceanographer, bird watching enthusiast,musician,pianist, guitar and speaker tuning, or interested insignalprocessing. Features: ☆ Two zooming methods: Pinch to ZoomandOne-hand Zoom . ☆ Can load or export .WAV file to .csv file. ☆Hasbin resolution of 1 hz or max FFT size of 44100Hz ☆ Can beLinearor Logarithmic scale ☆ Matlab like color-maps, 17 total. ☆Doesvariable data overlap of 90%, 80%, 75% and 50% ☆ DigitalFilter:Low-pass, High-pass and Band-pass Filter ☆ Eight classicWindowingmethod such as: Hanning, Hann, Gaussian, Blackman...etc☆Select-able microphone input for external mic. ☆ Has Max Holdthehigh waveform for comparing to current wave. ☆ Is calibratedtowork with device orientation. Default is landscape mode. ☆ Hasamax frequency indicator that give the high signal amplitudeshownon screen ☆ Graph has the capabilities to auto scale. ☆ Zoomin orout for viewing data at high resolutions. ☆ Signalconditioningsuch as averaging or setting data threshold trigger. ☆Can triggerbased on SPL for time or frequency mode. ☆ The abilityto takescreen capture and send email ☆ Able to adjust colorintensitydisplay to filter certain amplitude ☆ And many morefeatures!